Blockchain Developer Course Pre-requisites:
- 1-2 years software development experience
- Experience with following:
- Git & Github (or equivalent)
- Terminal and command-line based tools
- IDEs such as VS Code
- Non-technical introduction to Ethereum course (BWBC’s Certified Blockchain Fundamental Course or equivalent)
- MetaMask wallet setup (Free course through BWBC)
At the completion of this course cohorts will be able to:
- Understand, write and deploy Solidity Smart Contracts
- Learn basic toolings like Remix and deployment lifecycle with Truffles Suite
- Describe the processes of building NFTs, and DAOs
- Explain decentralize finance DeFi
- Define and identify Solidity pitfalls and attacks
- Secure and Audit Smart Contracts
- Build and deploy dApps
Ideal for:
- Individuals seeking to learn and build smart contracts
- Individuals who want to apply for blockchain dev positions
- Students, Recent Grads, professionals
Online training labs included:
- Nodes + APIs
- Transactions
Course will be available for 6 months after enrollment.
Course Preview